“In the last few years, Hardee’s, Burger King and Wendy’s all have introduced 1,000-calorie-plus sandwiches stuffed with 12 ounces of beef — the amount of meat recommended for two days for most adults. In addition, Hardee’s just rolled out a new Country Breakfast Burrito, a tortilla wrap stuffed with two egg omelets, sausage, bacon, ham, cheddar cheese, hash browns and gravy. The burrito contains 920 calories and 60 grams of fat, almost all the fat an adult needs in a single day.” (>>)
Friday, October 19th, 2007 :: 1:12 PM
1) clare »» October 22nd, 2007 @ 10:07 am
i read an article months ago about the new
CEO of Burger King. He had the idea to go
the other way of McDonalds- instead of embracing
health, embrace what the people really want:
FAT. This state of america perplexes me now
as i live in a small town in eastern france.
i never eat out because there are no fast food
places to begin with (we have on McDo’s but *
I have yet to actually see it). In my three
weeks i have lost five pounds and i have to
wander what price we are paying for
convenience in the states. is our health
worth it?
Yeah, I still eat out once or twice a week with friends, but it’s almost always places like Chipotle, Subway or local restaurants. I’m sure they’re still worse than cooking at home, but a lot better than the greasy burger places in terms of calories and the quality of ingredients. I don’t think I’ve eaten anything other than fries or shakes at McDonalds since seeing Super Size Me and Fast Food Nation.
oh yeah, those movies definitely made me think twice about digging in.
though i still think bacon, egg and cheese biscuits are a god-send.