“Life is characterized by long periods of tedium punctuated by moments of frantic action. Sometimes, I will lament my busyness and lament the fact that ‘I never have anytime to read anything, or read my Bible.’ Then, in a moment of tedium, I’ll sit and whittle away precious minutes sitting in front of my computer and staring. Not even doing anything, just sitting. It irritates me to no end that so much of my life is wasted on things I don’t even enjoy doing. There is this grand paradox about human existence that we will pursue exactly that which will destroy us. And it isn’t a fast destruction like Sodom or Gomorrah. It is the slow, plodding asphyxiation of banality. It is the crushing weight of motionless air and human fat.” (>>)
Thursday, February 19th, 2004 :: 6:51 PM