Friday, April 29th, 2005 :: 12:24 AM
Getting Rid of Crap
Inspired by Justin’s sneaky way of getting rid of his crap, I’ve decided to try it for myself. You can have anything in the lists below for free, but I’m busy/lazy, so it works out best if we know each other in real life instead of me having to ship things out. But, I will ship stuff if you don’t live in Dayton and it’s something you really want.
·The Pugalist At Rest by Thom Jones (very good, but I have another copy)
·The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren (two copies)
·When God Interrupts by Craig Barnes (recommended by the Reese Roper. Quoted here)
·25 Basic Bible Studies by Francis Schaeffer
·The Great Democracies by Winston Churchill
·Wild at Heart by John Eldridge (good, but I have another copy)
·Under the Radar by Robert Young (autographed. Bob, you might enjoy it)
·Let the Journey Begin by Max Lucado (high school graduation gift from youth group)
·Answers by Josh McDowell
·Day by Day by Billy Graham
·Discipleship by Billy Hanks
·Discoveries by Eugenia Price
·Jump, Little Children – Magazine
·Jump, Little Children – mix
·Sarah Masen – Sarah Masen
·Among Thorns – Desparate
·Nickle and Dime – When You Come Around
·Sunday Drive – Sunday Drive
·Between Theives – Between Thieves
·The Waiting – Wonderfully Made
·Various Artists – Gas Collection #19 (Rob pawned this off on me the other day, and now I’m pawning it off on you)
·Various Artists – Check This Out Baby (early 90s punk mix)
·Various Artists – Fight for Your Rights (MTV propaganda. Everclear, Green Day, Tori, DMB, etc)
·Various Artists – Go-Kart vs the Corporate Giant (early 90s punk mix)
·Various Artists – At War With Society (late 90s punk mix)
·Elvis Costello – Spike (dub. great, but have on CD now)
·Red Five – Flash (ok. have on CD now)
·The Doormats – A Cup of Tea, a Cookie and the Doormats
·A very big Dickies sticker
Tuesday, April 26th, 2005 :: 9:48 PM
“The church is to be UNIQUELY identified with Jesus, his Gospel and his Kingdom. The church’s concerns are the concerns Jesus demonstrated during his ministry, not the concerns that can be connected by the ‘dots’ of various political, social and cultural agendas. The danger the church faces today is in becoming a niche market, a focus group, a voting block or a special interest group. If the church cannot trust her shepherds to avoid this mistake, then it is not well served by its pastors. I am afraid that ‘Justice Sunday’ was a profound confusion of the place and purpose of the church. The cause may be right and the crisis real, but the church that Jesus created is not available for rental for political agendas.” (>>)
Saturday, April 23rd, 2005 :: 3:34 PM
“Raise your hand if you believe in the doctrine of the Trinity. Keep your hand up if you believe in the doctrine of the Trinity because you studied the scriptures and came to a thorough understanding of the Godhead solely through your study. Now put your hand down, because all the people who can affirm the second statement have been dead for over a thousand years. This is not to discredit the doctrine of the Trinity, but to uncover the way we came to believe in it. I personally have not come up with any doctrines by studying the scriptures, and neither have you. If you have, you’re way too important to read my blog.” (>>)
Saturday, April 23rd, 2005 :: 10:58 AM
“Instead of ‘If you were to die tonight, do you know for certain that you would spend eternity with God in heaven?’ the new question seems to be, ‘If you live for another thirty years, what kind of person will you become?’ ” (>>)
Wednesday, April 20th, 2005 :: 10:28 PM
“I think… I think I was overly harsh when I said that you were broken.”
“How… really? How so?”
“I don’t think you’re broken.”
“I think you’re… mildly sprained. Nothing that can’t be mended.” (>>)
Monday, April 18th, 2005 :: 2:38 PM
“I see everyday in my job (a government subcontract) the sunken eyes and the lack of will to question any more the ‘why’s’ and ‘how’s’ and are suddenly satisfied to put in the hours, go home and watch TV, eat and sleep. In so many adults I can see, if not even feel, the dying spirit with the desire to explore, live and enjoy something other than ‘real-life’ TV reruns absent in their lives. I swear this passionate spirit is why children always look at my bike – and the numbers decrease with the advancement of age. I have 3 year olds on my cul-de-sac (yes – I have this bike in a typically quiet residential neighborhood) that come up to me every time I start up the bike or pull in after a ride. They cheer me on – they smile and ask about the bike – even though they have asked the same questions time and time before.” (>>)
Saturday, April 16th, 2005 :: 11:10 AM
“It is common for sectarian Protestants to insist that belief in justification by faith alone is necessary for salvation. Leaving aside for the moment the fact that it is quite possible for Roman Catholics to affirm the substance of sola fide without using the slogan, and still remain in good standing within their own tradition, the idea that the denial of faith as the sole instrument of justification is sufficient to damn a person is open to serious question.” (>>)
Friday, April 15th, 2005 :: 3:12 PM
“Lord Jesus, I think you have put a desire in me.
If you will help me, please,
I would like to make my offering:
I want it to be my desire, and my choice,
provided that you want it, too,
to live my life as you lived yours.
I know that you lived an insignificant person
in a little, despised town;
I know that you rarely tasted luxury and never privilege,
and that you resolutely refused to accept power.
I know that you suffered rejection by leaders,
abandonment by friends, and failure.
I know, I can hardly bear the thought of it all.
But it seems a toweringly wonderful thing
that you might call me to follow you and stand with you.
I will labor with you to bring God’s reign,
if you will give me the gift to do it. ” (>>)
Thursday, April 14th, 2005 :: 6:54 PM
Not only can you stream songs from Mae‘s new album at, you can also play fun little games for rewards (like MP3s).
Thursday, April 14th, 2005 :: 6:53 PM
“The moral theory of the ‘just war’ or ‘limited war’ doctrine begins with the presumption which binds all Christians: we should do no harm to our neighbors; how we treat our enemy is the key test of whether we love our neighbor; and the possibility of taking even one human life is a prospect we should consider in fear and trembling.” (>>)
Wednesday, April 13th, 2005 :: 11:37 AM
“…the Protestant and evangelical tradition has not been half so good on the gospels as it has been on the epistles. We don’t quite know what to do with them. Because, I think, we have come to them as we have come to the whole Bible, looking for particular answers to particular questions. And we have thereby made the Bible into something which it basically is not. I remember a well-known Preacher saying that he thought a lot of Christians used the Bible as an unsorted edition of Daily Light. It really ought to be arranged into neat little devotional chunks, but it happens to have got all muddled up. The same phenomenon occurs, at a rather different level, when People treat it as an unsorted edition of Calvin’s Institutes, the Westminster Confession, the UCCF Basis of Faith, or the so-called ‘Four Spiritual Laws’. But to treat the Bible like that is, in fact, simply to take your place in a very long tradition of Christians who have tried to make the Bible into a set of abstract truths and rules—abstract devotional doctrinal, or evangelistic snippets here and there.” (>>)
Monday, April 11th, 2005 :: 11:52 PM
We Don’t Need No Water
Tonight I was working on the network at my church, running cable to a room that’s currently being used to store lots of miscellaneous crap. While I was moving some stuff around to make room for my ladder, I found a small pile of Jack Chick tracts sitting next to a large pile of matches. I thought to myself, “if this isn’t a sign from God, I don’t know what is.”
If you’re unfamilar with Chick tracts, here are a few examples from what I found and from the catalog on his website:
I don’t know how they got there; I’m hoping they’ve been there since before we moved in to the building a few years ago, but there’s a small part of me that’s afraid someone actually brought this trash into our church. But, no worries, it’s been taken care of:
“It is finished.”
Monday, April 11th, 2005 :: 11:17 AM
“I have never been a risk-taker in life, but in this journey I want to ride far away from home.” (>>)
Sunday, April 10th, 2005 :: 5:28 PM
“How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and every day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?
“Look on me and answer, O Lord my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;
my enemy will say, ‘I have overcome him,’
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.
“But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation.
I will sing to the Lord,
for he has been good to me.” (>>)
Saturday, April 9th, 2005 :: 2:51 PM
“A brutal campaign of state-sponsored violence in Darfur has led to the deaths of up to 300,000 people, and the lives of about 2 million displaced people hang in the balance.” (>>)
Support HR1424.
Saturday, April 9th, 2005 :: 2:48 PM
“people say things to clergy they would not say to their worst enemies. for some reason they feel at liberty to delve into every aspect of clergy life. they have an opinion about everything we do. they believe it is their god-given right to critique your personal life, your professional life, your emotional state, the way you dress, your use of colloquialisms, your kids, your personality, how much you spend on a car, your friendships, how you drive, how much you fart, the list goes on and on.” (>>)
Wednesday, April 6th, 2005 :: 10:52 AM
“Catholic bashing is a sport that will always be popular among Protestants. It is the type of teenage behavior one expects from kids who leave home after a big fight. It’s not necessary, and even when we take stock of the many serious issues that separate us, we still say the same Apostle’s Creed, worship the same Trinity, share the same first four centuries of the church and believe in the same Christ of John 3:16. I prefer to acknowledge this unity. I don’t care if you don’t. I’m rewarded without applause on this one, I assure you.” (>>)
Wednesday, April 6th, 2005 :: 10:20 AM
“I was brought up in a kind of Southern Baptist fundamentalism that taught me to despise and fear Roman Catholics. Catholic horror stories were a regular feature of home and church. But I never really caught on to the problem. Sure, they were baby-baptizing ritualists who drank beer and slavishly obeyed the pope, but the ones I knew were really good people. My buddy Joe’s family was a lot healthier than my messed up family, and they were as Catholic as you could get. Their graciousness to me made an impression that’s never left, and though my attempts to evangelize them at a Billy Graham movie were unsuccessful, it was hard to deny that these folks were as serious about their Christianity as my bunch was about Bible-thumping fundamentalism. It was different, but I couldn’t deny that it was real.” (>>)
Monday, April 4th, 2005 :: 10:16 PM
“A righteous man may have many troubles,
but the Lord delivers him from them all;
he protects all his bones,
not one of them will be broken.” (>>)
Monday, April 4th, 2005 :: 6:27 PM
” ‘People get the sense that his actions are motivated by love, not by the kind of self-aggrandizing one sees from Jesse Jackson, Pat Robertson, and Michael Lerner. One doesn’t have to agree with all of, oh, say, [Gandhi]’s views to understand why people generally speak well of the man.’ ” (>>)
Monday, April 4th, 2005 :: 6:25 PM
Saturday, April 2nd, 2005 :: 3:25 PM
” ‘Be true! Be true! Be true! Show freely to the world, if not your worst, yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred!’ ” (>>)
Saturday, April 2nd, 2005 :: 10:33 AM
“For those of us who believe in the Reformed doctrine of total depravity, it appears that more than one practicing theologian has a note from God excusing him from something the rest of us have to live with all the time: the pervasive influence of sin in every area of human life, including the intellectual exercises necessary to theology.” (>>)