Thursday, July 26th, 2007 :: 12:29 PM

“I think we’ve come to fear way too much in the US… I will not spend my days worrying about whether my water bottle is going to kill me.” (>>)

Tuesday, July 24th, 2007 :: 9:51 AM

“The only good thing that ever came out of church was the amazing feeling of getting home and taking off those damn shoes. It was a weekly footgasm.” (>>)

Friday, July 20th, 2007 :: 10:31 AM

“In the early and mid-’90s, I starting doubting the systematic theologies I’d inherited. I didn’t know you were allowed to believe in God outside of a prescribed systematic theology. So, I had to go through kind of a deconstruction and reconstruction. The process was really scary, because I had no guarantees. I remember reaching a very low point and thinking, ‘I’m either going to have to be dishonest and pretend that I still believe in a theological system that doesn’t work for me anymore or I’m going to be honest about my doubts and questions.’ I kept thinking, ‘I might lose my whole faith,’ but I couldn’t squelch the honest questions that kept arising. I think this is one of the agonies of these things, you don’t know how they’re going to turn out. It’s a very high-risk thing but you don’t have any choice if you’re trying to be honest. I think you have to do it—doubting and questioning as an act of faith, as strange as that may seem.” (>>)

Tuesday, July 17th, 2007 :: 12:27 PM

Restore Habeas Corpus

Friday, July 13th, 2007 :: 12:28 PM

“I see your world. I’m with your people. I’m surrounded by books about you. I read about you and talk about you… But I miss you.” (>>)

Monday, July 9th, 2007 :: 10:56 AM

“She said, ‘Easy, Tiger.’ ” (>>)

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2007 :: 10:54 AM

“Our youth is fleeting
Old age is just around the bend
And I can’t wait to go grey
I’ll sit in wonder
Of every love that could’ve been
If I’d only thought of something
Charming to say”
(>>) [MP3]

Monday, July 2nd, 2007 :: 9:32 AM

“I start realizing that this is the first time I have encountered beauty in nature. I’ve read poems that have made my heart race. I’ve read scenes in novels that have caused me to close the book, set my head in my hands, and wonder how a human could so brilliantly orchestrate words. But nature has never inspired me until now. God is an artist, I think to myself. I have known this for a long time, seeing His brushwork in the sunrise and sunset, and His sculpting in the mountains and the rivers. But the night sky is His greatest work. And I would have never known it if I had stayed in Houston. I would have bought a little condo and filled it with Ikea trinkets and dated some girl just because she was hot and would have read self-help books end to end, one after another, trying to fix the gaping hole in the bottom of my soul, the hole that, right now, seems plugged with Orion, allowing my soul to collect that feeling of belonging and love you only get when you stop long enough to engage the obvious.” (>>)

Monday, July 2nd, 2007 :: 9:30 AM

“I caught myself thinking
I caught myself thinking once again
I have to try to keep my mind out of this
Try not to pretend”
(>>) [MP3]




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