Let’s recap the night…
1) Young’s Dairy ice cream…good
2) Say Anything… good
3) Missing the off-ramp and almost going off the road…bad
4) That road dead-ending at a military base…bad
5) Convincing the nice MP at the entrance that you’re not drunk…good
6) Making a wrong turn and going onto the military base…bad (just a side note…you’d think getting onto a military base would be a little bit harder than that, ya know?)
7) Convincing a van full of MPs that you’re not a terrorist…good
8) Getting off the military base without getting shot…good
9) Not running over any of the 800 drunk kids running through the streets of WSU‘s campus because it’s some stupid “may daze” day where everyone gets drunk and runs through the streets…good (well, depending on your point of view, anyway)
I think this quote makes it all worth it:
Robin: Is that a cop?
Me: Well, it’s not the ice cream man.