Derek Webb wrote a great journal entry about The Prayer of Jabez. Here’s an except (but I suggest reading the whole thing, it’s really good.):
“i want to be clear about my concern in all this and why i’m so opposed to this teaching. it’s not necessarily because of the horrendous exegetical work. it’s not necessarily because 98% of bruce’s teaching is unwarranted in scripture. it is for only one reason: because it simply undermines the Gospel. this is the only reason that i could justifiably have. please don’t misunderstand me; i do not mean to tear down bruce wilkinson or any other aspects of his ministry (i consider his work with ‘walk through the bible‘ good teaching), i only desire to exalt the Gospel. what is the difference in what bruce says and what the Gospel says? bruce says that even if you’re a Christian that God has withheld His blessings from you (the ‘flood-waters of blessing’ as he says) and that He’ll give them to you if you systematically pray this rather obscure old testament prayer. i would challenge that idea and say that if you believe upon Christ for your salvation today, God has withheld nothing from you. in fact, he has already flooded all of the blessing you could ever imagine into your life, and that IS Jesus. He is ALL of the blessing. He is ALL our reward. He is sufficient for all of our needs and we should in Him be satisfied. what more could anyone possibly offer you? if you possess the very righteousness of Christ, which earns for you a share in the inheritance of the kingdom of God as though you were His very son or daughter, what more could there possibly be? what more blessing than His body and blood? what could anyone possibly offer more that Christ has already provided? this prayer does not, and cannot bring us “extra-ordinary favor with God,” only Christ can. if we truly understood and believed the Gospel, we wouldn’t look twice at a teaching like ‘the prayer of jabez,’ because it would have no power and nothing to offer.”