“Catholic bashing is a sport that will always be popular among Protestants. It is the type of teenage behavior one expects from kids who leave home after a big fight. It’s not necessary, and even when we take stock of the many serious issues that separate us, we still say the same Apostle’s Creed, worship the same Trinity, share the same first four centuries of the church and believe in the same Christ of John 3:16. I prefer to acknowledge this unity. I don’t care if you don’t. I’m rewarded without applause on this one, I assure you.” (>>)
Wednesday, April 6th, 2005 :: 10:52 AM
1) harpo5 »» April 6th, 2005 @ 11:46 am
I can’t stand catholic bashing. What’s the use? Protestants wouldn’t be around without them so why all the bad feelings?
I feel the same way about Judaizer-bashing. Paul always seems to rip on them. Abusively. It’s like he has nothing better to do. In one verse he’ll talk about joy and peace and justification by faith apart from works, then the next… he’ll land a big punch over on their end. Can you believe it?!?!?! He should focus on the positive aspects of unity that we have with Judaizers, and stop being so critical. It’s like doctrine is his god or something. Christianity isn’t all about doctrine, you know. It’s about having a relationship with Christ. And just because Judaizers don’t agree with all our doctrine doesn’t mean we should bash them and exclude ourselves from them.
That was concerted sacrcasm, of course. I wrote it out of a passion for sola fide, justification by faith apart from works.
“…the same Christ of John 3:16. I prefer to acknowledge this unity.”
This got me thinking. We don’t even share this unity with Catholics, because RCism doesn’t allow for the promise of 3:16. Biblical Christianity says, on the basis of that verse, “believe in Christ and you will have eternal life.” RCism says, “believe and do ABC/XYZ”, and then you just MIGHT end up having eternal life. You can’t really know for sure, as they say.
No, John 3:16, trust Christ and you will not perish, but have eternal life. I do not share that promise with Roman Catholics, because RCism explicitly teaches to the contrary.
Grace and peace bro. Love you man. Hope none of this has been an affront. Hope the week is going well.
Yet another comment. This is significant given that this post quotes Michael as saying that “we believe [with Roman Catholics] in the same Christ of John 3:16”.
You should find it noteworthy that Roman Catholic apologists often accentuate the word “may” in their translation of John 3:16, insisting that it implies uncertainty and not certainty in salvation (this, to them, contra justification by faith apart form works).
“For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son: that whosoever believeth in him may not perish, but may have life everlasting” (John 3:16)
My friend, this should matter to you, for those who reject John 3:16 do so to their peril!
“For the sake of the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth, which accords with godliness” (Titus 1),