” ‘They see neighbors and friends being fired for no reason by profitable companies, executives making off like bandits while thousands of their own workers are being laid off… They see health insurance drying up, employer pensions shrinking. Promises to retirees of health benefits are simply thrown overboard. The whole system has aspects that seem grossly immoral to average working people.’ “
” ‘You know, I am not by nature a political person. I have gotten a lot of grief from some people, business owners, who say, ‘Father, why don’t you stick to religion?’ Well, pardon me – this is religion. The scripture is full of matters of justice. How can you worship a God that you do not see and then oppress the workers that you do see?’ “
” ‘…what kind of world do you want to live in?’ ” (>>)
1) Josh »» January 18th, 2006 @ 3:01 am
Powerful stuff.
HI, i would just like to say, dont give up hope in life. You were put on this
planet and even if you are fighting for a lost cause you should keep on
fighting for it just like the priest did for Emily Rose!!! He just wanted
to get emily roses story across but he wasnt expecting to win.
Remember winning isnt the best thing taking part is what counts :)
God bless yall. x x x
WWSJD? (What Would Saint Jude Do?)
my dad’s whole department was laid off 2 summers ago without warning. he was on leave from cancer surgery and they called him at home. he was 3 months away from early retirement and they gave him nothing. they replace all 11 of them with fresh, young college students.
all that to say…it hurts. but God can be glorified. its a crazy and sometimes (ok a lot of times) sick world that we live in. but all the more an oppertunity to share a love that is unheard of. literally.
You needs to write another blog, sucka!