“…the rampant consumerism in our society leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I try (not always succeeding by any stretch) to live fairly simply and with the belief that all things in my home should be useful, or beautiful…” (>>)
Wednesday, January 10th, 2007 :: 12:45 PM
1) josh »» January 11th, 2007 @ 10:45 pm
They may seem like an overture of entitlement, but in some situations you simply need what you need. Sometimes gift regestries are a necessary evil.
That part of her post was funny, but not the reason I linked to it. The part that I quoted was what I really related to.
I know; I’ve been to your (nearly empty) house and tried to offload a bunch of our old stuff on you.
Just remember; if you disagree with consumerism, the terrorists win.
God bless America.